15 míst z Pána Prstenů na Novém Zélandu
Jsi jeden z fanatických fanoušků "Pána Prstenů", který zdraví své přátele v elfštině, zná mapu Středozemě nazpaměť, čtě knížky a každý film viděl už třikrát?
Určitě jsem!
Když nejsi zrovna posedlí "Pánem Prstenů" a vyrazíš na Nový Zéland tak tvůj výlet nemůže být kompletní bez návštěvy některého z nejpozoruhodnějších míst, kde natáčela Peterova Jacksnova akademie-Oceněné trilogie. Zachytili jsme 15 míst, které stojí za to a ty by jsis je možná mohl pamatovat z filmu. Více informací o natáčení Pána Prstenů najdeš zde http://www.lordoftheringstours.co.nz/. Můžeš si také objednat prohlídkovou trasu u některé Novozélandské cestovní kanceláře.
Vanya Sulie, poutník!

Hobbiton / Matamata, Waikato
Located in the picturesque Waikato countryside, you can visit the hometown of your favorite hobbits, and even peek into the hobbit holes still remaining from the film set.

Chetwood Forest / Takaka Hill, Nelson
Follow the mysterious ranger Strider's trail through Chetwood Forest on Takaka Hill, where he led the hobbits into the rough country east of Bree in an attempt to escape the Black Riders.

Edoras / Mount Sunday, Canterbury
Visit Edoras, the capital of Rohan and home to Meduseld, the hall of King Theoden, located on Mount Sunday in beautiful Canterbury.

Dead Marshes / Kepler Mire, Te Anau
See the swamp where Gollum guides Frodo and Sam, saving Frodo as he falls under the spell of the dead floating in the murky waters, in the Kepler Mire wetlands of Te Anau.

Milford Sound, Fjordland National Park
Areas near the breathtaking and world-renowned Milford Sound fjord in the Fjordland National Park provided many scenic filming locations, including scenes involving Isengard, Lothlorien and Amon Hen.

Milford Sound, Fjordland
Areas near the breathtaking and world-renowned Milford Sound fjord in the Fjordland National Park provided many scenic filming locations, including including scenes involving Isengard, Lothlorien and Amon Hen.

Misty Mountains / Southern Alps, South Island
The longest and highest mountains of New Zealand, the Southern Alps provided the ideal location for the dramatic Misty Mountains of Middle Earth, where the Fellowship had to pass through in the first film of the trilogy.

Argonath on the Anduin River / Kawaru River, Otago
Kawarau River was the location for the Argonath or Pillars of the Kings on the Anduin River. The Pillars themselves were computer-generated.

White Mountains / Franz Josef Glacier, West Coast
Mount Gunn near the Franz Josef Glacier is the location for the warning beacons that are lit along The White Mountains, from Gondor to Rohan, in "Return of the King".

Ford of Bruinen / Skippers Canyon, Otago
In the Shotover River at Skippers Canyon, Arwen defeats the Nazgûl and saves Aragorn's life by conjuring up a fantastic flood.

Ithilien Camp / Twelve Mile Delta, Wakatipu
Frodo, Sam and Gollum watch the battle between Faramir's Rangers of Gondor and the men and Oliphaunts of Harad, at the Twelve Mile Delta trail and campsite.

Mordor / Tongariro National Park
Tongariro National Park, the location for Mordor, is a World Heritage Site and a place of extremes, with everything from herb fields to forests, tranquil lakes to desert-like plateau and active volcanoes.

Mount Doom / Mount Ngauruhoe, Tongariro National Park
Mount Ngauruhoe, an active volcano, was the stand-in for Mount Doom located in the heart of the black land of Mordor, where Frodo and Sam go to destroy the One Ring.

Dimholt Road / Putangirua Pinnacles, Aorangi Forest Park
Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli rode through these forbidding rock formations, the Putangirua Pinnacles, to meet the Army of the Dead.

Lothlorien / Lake Wakatipu, Otago Region
Though the main location for Lothlorien, the beautiful forest realm of the Elves, was Fernside, a country house north of Featherston, Lake Wakatipu was also used for some scenes.